Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tuesdays with Annie 04 27 10

Paul Eldridge once said, “In the spider-web of facts, many a truth is strangled. “ The purpose of the Monday morning brain teasers is to get you thinking about all the tidbits of information floating around in the world of gardening and decide whether it is fact or fiction. Tuesday is a breeze because you can sit back and get the answers.

1) Umbrella-pine, Sciadopitys verticillata is a slow-growing pine. True. This is one of Annie’s favorite specimen evergreens. A native to Japan, its unusual form, texture and slow growth habit make it a unique addition to anyone’s collection. Unfortunately for the plant lover, it fetches a dear price in the nurseries. It requires full sun but likes moist conditions. It is worthy of a look the next time you go tree shopping. Once you see it up close, you’ll understand why it is so desirable.
2) A good way to conserve water in your vegetable garden is to plant in black plastic. True. Certain plants work well growing through black plastic such as tomatoes, onions, squash, cucumbers, and pumpkins. If you lay your plastic down on a calm day (with at least two sets of hands) and cover your rows when the soil is still moist, very little irrigation will be required throughout the growing season. The black plastic also heats the soil, making plants grow faster plus it suppresses unsightly weeds. It is fairly easy to find and is a smart way to reduce your water bill.
3) Now is a great time to plant sweet peas. True. Sweet peas are one of the earlier seeds that can be sown while the soil conditions are cool and moist. So get those sweet peas planted now. You can also get your seed potatoes and onion sets in the ground.
4) April’s Birth Month Flower is the Daffodil. False, the April birth month flower is a Daisy or a Sweet Pea, not to be confused with the vegetable mentioned in question 3. Daffodils are the March flower.
5) Fiddleheads are a cultivated crop and can be found in the supermarkets throughout the year. False. They are not a cultivated crop. Fiddleheads come from rural areas where people gather them from the wild. Only three fiddleheads per crown are harvested to sustain the fern and can only be found in the market seasonally. There are quick and easy recipes for fiddleheads. So if you haven’t tried them, it is definitely worth the culinary experience.

The inspirational quote for Tuesday is by Vernon Howard. “Always walk through life as if you have something new to learn and you will. “ Don’t squelch the experience. Keep your eyes open to the many lessons that unfold throughout your day.

Photo by Greg Bilowz
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