Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A Gadget for the Serious Gardener


Robert A. Heinlein once stated that “Progress isn’t made by early risers. It’s made by lazy men trying to find easier ways to do something.” So goes the world of gadgets and trinkets and all the stuff we fill our lives with. And although I don’t promote too many gadgets, here’s one for the serious gardener or lazy homeowner who absolutely hates weeds. This hand-held ultra-low volume herbicide applicator is made to handle weeds that can overtake a vegetable garden or clog up the fine crevices in your terrace. Warning – this is not for everyone, especially lazy folks without a brain as you would typically use this handy dandy gadget to apply RoundUp® selectively and sometimes laziness may overcome common sense. You might just end up killing what is meant to grow. The beauty of this sprayer is how you can selectively choose spot areas but the biggest benefit is how little chemical you actually use. So here is the skinny on the homeowner’s gadget as you don’t want to confuse it with the fancier one hiking upwards to $900.00. This applicator is the best bet for the serious gardener from our friends at Oesco Inc. located in the western part of Massachusetts. 


So if you’re not online yet buying your gadget, when applying any chemicals best to consider Eleanor Everet’s words. “For safety is not a gadget but a state of mind.” Sometimes for the average homeowner, safety and gadgets don’t go together too well.

Daylily Image by Ann Bilowz © 

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