BILOWZ ASSOCIATES INC. is an award winning landscape architectural design firm with a proven philosophy: "Creating Design with Harmony & Balance."
Our company blog, Annie's Gardening Corner, takes a sneak peek at how we balance our own love for everything green + a place to find inspiration, garden ideas and landscape design tips.

To browse our award winning landscape design portfolios, click on our company website at WWW.BILOWZASSOCIATES.COM

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Why Create a Garden if You Don’t …

…take in the spring blossoms. Spring is such a lovely season especially when so much transformation occurs in a short span of time. The unfortunate thing – if your eyes are closed to it all. Yep, you bet. You just missed it. So in all the spring excitement, let’s revert back to last Tuesday’s post, where I shared my love for a spectacular Yak Rhododendron variety called ‘Mardi Gras.’ One of the dynamite features mentioned about this shrub was its “bright pink flowers that fade to white; perfect as a blossom-filler for early to mid-May.” So if you’re catching moments of the spring garden on the run, here’s hoping this transforming blossom of ‘Mardi Gras’ gives you reason to say,  “Tuesday mornings in spring…a perfect reason for a flower break.”

While it’s time to call this post a wrap, let’s hope Mary Anne Radmacher’s quote resonates with today’s message. “Courage doesn't always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying, "I will try again tomorrow.”  So if not today, make time tomorrow for spring’s transformation. Otherwise, why create a garden if you don’t make time for a flower break?

Don’t forget to check out the Pinterest page where a new board, ‘What’s in Bloom’ has been added for spring moments exactly like this.

Top Image of ‘Mardi Gras’ transforming in the spring garden by Ann Bilowz
Compare to the below photo in last week’s blog when the blossom was just starting to pop! Image taken by Greg Bilowz

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© 2009 Ann St. Jean-Bilowz/Bilowz Associates Inc. (including all photographs, unless otherwise noted in Annie's Gardening Corner are the property of Bilowz Associates Inc. and shall not be reproduced in any manner nor are they to be assigned to any third party without the expressed written permission and consent of Bilowz Associates Inc.)