BILOWZ ASSOCIATES INC. is an award winning landscape architectural design firm with a proven philosophy: "Creating Design with Harmony & Balance."
Our company blog, Annie's Gardening Corner, takes a sneak peek at how we balance our own love for everything green + a place to find inspiration, garden ideas and landscape design tips.

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Thursday, April 18, 2013

Three Tips for Thursday


It is another brilliant start to a spring day but our hearts, at least mine, still weigh heavy. Thoughts and prayers from across the world still reach out in the aftermath from this past Monday’s senseless bombings. In order to bring back sense to our own lives and gardens, here are three tips for Thursday that we can focus on this sunny April morning.

Landscape Lighting: 

When it comes to lighting up your landscape, it’s not just about safety and illumination. It is to create a mood and this requires proper planning. You want the fixtures to enhance, not obscure or overpower your outdoor living space. Sometimes less is more and getting the correct layout, the right fixtures and tweaking the system is 90% of the battle. These temperate evenings are a perfect time to linger in the sunset hours. Take a moment to contemplate what might be missing or what you need to light up in your landscape.

Invasive Species: 

This is a moan and groan topic for any garden lover because we all know the dilemmas of what this takes – eradication. First, become familiar with and know invasive lists including any new pests that can harm our landscape. Follow the rules so as not to spread what is invasive. And when dealing with invasive plants, now is a good time to see what is raising havoc in your outdoor spaces.

Don’t miss out on the Season:

Remove any of the protective mounding for your roses. We are at the tail end of cut back and clean-up and getting deep into the dividing department. Make sure you are spreading your perennials throughout your garden. It’s also time for any veggie gardeners to get on deck with planting potatoes, peas and those cool weather crops. That’s the Thursday mix for three useful spring landscape tips. 

As we continue to struggle with and make sense of this past Monday, I rely on Mother Teresa’s words to help me find some comfort. “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” If you have a gift, a talent, be ready to share it. Anger and displaced hatred spreads venom, not beauty. It is amazing the difference you can make doing small things with great love. 

Flag at half-mast Image by Ann Bilowz ©

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© 2009 Ann St. Jean-Bilowz/Bilowz Associates Inc. (including all photographs, unless otherwise noted in Annie's Gardening Corner are the property of Bilowz Associates Inc. and shall not be reproduced in any manner nor are they to be assigned to any third party without the expressed written permission and consent of Bilowz Associates Inc.)