Let's kick off today’s post, 'Friday's Flower Thought' with this quote from Betty Sue Flowers. “We have to be present, because our footprint on the world is so large.” Now that’s a big blanket of ‘green’ and ‘sustainability’ for a Friday morning but let's focus on that flower thought instead. This is a repeat message with a different twist; similar to an archived posting last January called 'Planting for the Birds'.
Just a quick heads-up; this Friday flower thought requires planning and planting come spring. While feeding suet and seed to the birds can attract many sightings, including some unwanted visitors like squirrels and bears, a natural way to entice and introduce birds to your landscape is through native plantings and housing. Plus there’s such beauty that comes from these plantings when you create a tasteful bird habitat. It sounds like a simple flower thought but planting for the birds is often overlooked.
Don't forget to ‘be present'. Birds come unannounced, ready to enhance a cloudy winter morning. Get ready for your incoming flights of various bird sightings with this simple Friday flower thought - plant for the birds.
© Image by Ann Bilowz
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