If you are one of our Facebook or Twitter followers, you may have seen the American Nurseryman notice I posted yesterday regarding a pest that has hit 13 U.S. states. Here is a fascinating link that I encourage everyone to read about Duponchelia fovealis. http://entnemdept.ufl.edu/pestalert/NPAG_duponchelia_report.pdf I became so caught up in this today that I am going to do a repeat post from last November. It’s a favorite family recipe for a cool fall dinner http://blog.bilowzassociates.com/2009/11/spearmint-secret-ingredient.html and a great way to use any straggling tomatoes.
In the meantime, remember the importance of cleanliness in your garden. I have a sneaking suspicion that the spread of this recent pest, Duponchelia fovealis may be due to shortcuts in cultural practices. We should never cut corners when it comes to horticultural hygiene in our gardens, our greenhouses and especially with our house plants. Although this particular pest may never naturalize in the Northeast due to our cold winters, we still must be cognizant of the ability to harbor this pest with the right conditions. The quote to end this Friday is by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. “Let everyone sweep in front of his own door, and the whole world will be clean."

Photos by Greg Bilowz at Green Point Nurseries in Hilo, HI a top-notch anthurium grower.
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