There is only one word for today’s weather – it’s yuck with a capital Y! But heck - we gained an extra hour over the weekend. That 60 minutes doesn’t do much for the psyche come mid-afternoon when the darkness creeps in a bit sooner but I’ll take those extra ZZZ’s after last night’s sleet and howling winds.
Sipping that perked cup of Hawaiian coffee this morning, it’s a haunting realization that a gazillion chores remain on the ‘to-do before snow flies’ list. The bright side of this Monday morning is that most of the leaves are chopped and mulched into the vegetable garden. The remainder of the leaf pile now waits for a few bucketfuls of manure for winter ripening. There is still brush to clean up, pruning to be done, beds to cut down but the garlic is planted.

That’s the clincher about lists. One item down with ten more and counting; it is an add/delete/resubmit kind of thing happening with garden chores. A perpetual list of to-do’s in motion. So there is no better way to think about the upcoming week then to capture a few moments in Kodak with an unknown author’s quote that poignantly captures today’s forecast. “Bad weather always looks worse through a window.” It depends which window you are looking through.
Don't forget to post your comments, questions and thoughts! I just eyed a recipe for Herbed Ricotta Bruschetta in this month's Costco Magazine. This is a good week for Annie's test kitchen so I'll keep you posted if it passes muster.
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