Today’s blog may be a tad short and to the point. Unfortunately, I’m going down for the flu count. A quick tip that went unmentioned in the December 1st annual checkup blog for your garden http://blog.bilowzassociates.com/2010/12/yards-annual-checkup.html is to protect your tree trunks, especially your fruit trees with tree guards. The attached PDF flyer from Ontario http://www.lrconline.com/Extension_Notes_English/pdf/vole.pdf gives you some additional ideas on controlling the vole population and talks specifically about tree guards. Some of the data may not be relevant to your particular area but it is an extremely informative article regarding these pesky creatures.
Oesco, https://www.oescoinc.com/ a supplier in Western Massachusetts can head you in the right direction with your tree guard options. You will find the staff friendly and extremely knowledgeable and their extensive catalog works well for any online shoppers. You also want to protect your trees from the deer population as Bambi can be equally devastating in the winter months.
To end this short post and plunge forth into the weekend, the inspirational quote comes from Marcus Aurelius. “Adapt yourself to the things among which your lot has been cast and love sincerely the fellow creatures with whom destiny has ordained that you shall live.” For everything else, there are tree guards. Have a great weekend. Annie
Image of winter rodent damage from the Internet.
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