BILOWZ ASSOCIATES INC. is an award winning landscape architectural design firm with a proven philosophy: "Creating Design with Harmony & Balance."
Our company blog, Annie's Gardening Corner, takes a sneak peek at how we balance our own love for everything green + a place to find inspiration, garden ideas and landscape design tips.

To browse our award winning landscape design portfolios, click on our company website at WWW.BILOWZASSOCIATES.COM

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Going Yellow

If you love the soft hints of springtime yellow when your daffodils and Forsythia are in bloom, then don’t stop there when thinking punchy plants for your borders. Some of us may shy away from adding lots of oomph to the color palette and stick to the usual suspects. The number one rule: don’t be frightened by the endless choices of color. If you want to go yellow beyond the daffodils but also seek non-fussy, low-maintenance plants that many gardeners request, then check out these two posts from last year’s archives. One must click, read, and land back here but a couple of great plant suggestions (hint – the color is yellow) are in these blogs.

The fun part of gardening is color and how you integrate it into your landscape but no overlooking your spring chores. Some quick headliners: Remove any of the protective mounding for your roses. We are at the tail end of cut back and clean-up and deep into the dividing department. Make sure you are spreading your perennials throughout your garden. Practice your spring mantra of propagate and cultivate. It’s also time for any veggie gardeners to get on deck with planting potatoes, peas and those cool weather crops. In other words, don’t miss out on the season!

And don’t overlook Easter and the hints of yellow blossoms in the air. Think about extending this cheerful color throughout your summer garden. Go beyond the Daffs and Forsythia. Take Robert Fulghum’s advice and pull out a box of crayons and color. “We could learn a lot from crayons; some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, while others bright, some have weird names, but they all have learned to live together in the same box.” Get the big pack to expand your color chart! Annie

Here’s a quick link regarding Crayola Crayons if you want some interesting tidbits about colors!

Image of Forsythia blooming in our garden taken by Ann Bilowz
P.S. Some day I’ll move up to a big boy camera but in the meantime when my camera man is off duty or nothing presents itself in the archived photo files, you get Annie’s Blackberry! Happy Spring. Happy Easter!
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© 2009 Ann St. Jean-Bilowz/Bilowz Associates Inc. (including all photographs, unless otherwise noted in Annie's Gardening Corner are the property of Bilowz Associates Inc. and shall not be reproduced in any manner nor are they to be assigned to any third party without the expressed written permission and consent of Bilowz Associates Inc.)