Although yesterday I said we need to breathe easy and prepare our gardens and landscapes for the hurricane, it may make sense to read this article about the unusual path of this storm that is predicted to hit the Northeast. But still - take deep breaths and do not panic. Nerves aren't helpful in a treacherous situation. This article also gives you some helpful links on how best to handle tricky weather situations.
http://www.weather.com/weather/hurricanecentral/article/hurricane-irene-major-northeast-threats_2011-08-23 Because everyone knows that my two Border collies are a big part of my world, here’s a helpful list to review for preparing your pets in case of emergency, too. http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=9u7btqbab&v=00186bjBp797gv9gFB6hirQEUHTLEIbMyJkP43VJNFYETixwqlITatA9A7qjf7gPtlHwK9TYx0GFTH2KkdlL_p9zno2on5SlEeW0k3ZaUucVJ_WnRD7P_8ydGSSAvpLO6A0doUDWxvrYr5x-s--RLgwyQ%3D%3D Stay safe and hopefully our lines of communication will be up and running on Monday. Annie

Images of Ben and Cokie on storm watch patrol by Ann Bilowz
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