BILOWZ ASSOCIATES INC. is an award winning landscape architectural design firm with a proven philosophy: "Creating Design with Harmony & Balance."
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Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tuesdays with Annie 12 22 09

A smidgen of hope for the hardy gardeners reading my blog; starting today, there is a bit more sunlight. Yesterday’s brain teasers catapulted us into the depths of winter tradition. With Christmas just a few days away, find time to reminisce and enjoy all that is in your life. Spread your cheer; not your grudges and make this season magical. Rejoice in all that you believe and take heed that spring plantings are just around the corner.

1) The sun is at its closest distance in the Northern regions during the winter solstice.
False. The sun is at its furthest in the North. The winter solstice marks the shortest day of sunlight.
2) During the winter solstice, many Indian tribes held elaborate ceremonies to “call the sun back.”
True. Ceremonies would last for extended periods of time; as long as four to nine days. Their request: good health and enough food for the winter months. It works for me.
3) Yule wreaths were traditionally made of pine cones and berries.
False. Yule wreaths traditionally were made of evergreens, holly and ivy for protection of the home.
4) A decorative Yule log was burned on Christmas Eve.
Trick question. A Yule log was carried into the home and burned on Christmas Eve but it also burned for the following twelve consecutive days. It was lit with the previous year’s Yule log. In some regions, the ashes were kept and sprinkled on fruit trees for better production.
5). Wassailing, a traditional ceremony took place on Christmas Eve.
False. This ceremony typically took place on New Year’s Eve when the first cider crop was poured on the oldest apple tree’s roots in the orchard. It was done to thank the tree spirit for its crop and to ensure a good harvest for the coming year.

One of my all-time favorites, Dr. Seuss provides the inspirational quote of the day. "And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice cold in the snow, stood puzzling and puzzling, how could it be so? It came without ribbons. It came without tags. It came without packages, boxes or bags. And he puzzled and puzzled 'till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before. What if Christmas, he thought, doesn't come from a store? What if Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more."

Image from Internet
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© 2009 Ann St. Jean-Bilowz/Bilowz Associates Inc. (including all photographs, unless otherwise noted in Annie's Gardening Corner are the property of Bilowz Associates Inc. and shall not be reproduced in any manner nor are they to be assigned to any third party without the expressed written permission and consent of Bilowz Associates Inc.)