BILOWZ ASSOCIATES INC. is an award winning landscape architectural design firm with a proven philosophy: "Creating Design with Harmony & Balance."
Our company blog, Annie's Gardening Corner, takes a sneak peek at how we balance our own love for everything green + a place to find inspiration, garden ideas and landscape design tips.

To browse our award winning landscape design portfolios, click on our company website at WWW.BILOWZASSOCIATES.COM

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Mastering the Plan

Mastering the Plan - Bilowz Associates Inc. Master Plan /South Shore Riverfront property 
On this rainy New England Wednesday, put a slot in your calendar - 'Mastering the Landscape Plan'. These cooler months signal the perfect time to work on the design phase of your landscape project. If you missed this post back in August, Cool Days = Perfect for Planting Again, a riverfront property designed by Bilowz Associates Inc. was shown in its spring planting phase. Above is our rendered master plan. 

For garden folks just searching for useful fall planting tips, a click on this past link offers this. But for those undertaking any design and/or construction projects within the jurisdiction of coastal, riverfront, or wetlands, it's mandated that your local conservation commission be involved in the approval process of your design. 

When your landscape thoughts might be slowing down, don't go into dormancy and assume the design and planning process can wait 'til spring. If your intention is to be planting in the other perfect season - spring, mastering the landscape plan is critical during the upcoming cooler months. The latter part of fall and winter offer the perfect time to undertake this design and approval process. Use this time wisely to be mastering your landscape plan. 

© Copyright note: this image & design have been developed by and is the property of Bilowz Associates Inc. and should not be reproduced in any manner nor are they to be assigned to any third party without the expressed written permission and consent of Bilowz Associates Inc.

If you like this blog, check in for your daily share's worth of garden inspiration, landscape architecture and design tips; always original, not cookie cutter and copied. Just like our design work, we strive for unique! We invite you to contact Bilowz Associates, Inc., or to browse our portfolios. Like our Facebook follow on Twitter or subscribe to the blog to receive posts daily via email or a feed. You can follow with visuals on Pinterest and find us on LinkedIn and Houzz, too.  And you can also find us back on our Google+ Business Page. (Landscape architects/Landscape Design/serving Massachusetts and New England.)

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© 2009

© 2009 Ann St. Jean-Bilowz/Bilowz Associates Inc. (including all photographs, unless otherwise noted in Annie's Gardening Corner are the property of Bilowz Associates Inc. and shall not be reproduced in any manner nor are they to be assigned to any third party without the expressed written permission and consent of Bilowz Associates Inc.)